Fostering an Equine
The Foster Care Program offered by the Equine Rescue League gives individuals and families the opportunity to sponsor a rescued horse or pony at the ERL farm in Lovettsville, VA. Through your support, animals that have suffered from hunger, neglect, or cruelty can receive proper veterinary care and rehabilitation in an environment that offers safety and reassurance.
In addition to supporting the financial needs of an ERL horse, Foster Care is a way to provide a horse with individual attention and affection. The special relationship that often develops between a horse and its foster family makes a noticeable difference in the horse's self-confidence and attitude. As a foster family, you will be able to groom your horse, bring him special treats and just spend time making him feel loved and wanted.
Every horse and pony at the ERL farm has a unique story. We encourage you to meet these lovely animals and become a part of their lives.
Foster parents or families will be invited to come to the ERL farm to meet the horse or pony of their choice, and will be given the opportunity to become familiar with him or her through a visitation program set up solely for Foster Caregivers. The foster family may visit their foster horse or pony by scheduling appointments through the ERL office.
Which horses are available for Foster Care?
Horses and Ponies Awaiting Adoption
These animals need foster care while they await adoption. Every effort will be made to let foster caregivers know as soon as possible when a foster horse is to be adopted. The foster caregivers will be introduced to other horses at the farm awaiting foster care.
Permanent Residents of the ERL
These animals need long term foster care as they will never be adopted from the farm due to their special needs.
Contact us to schedule a tour, meet the residents and choose your Foster Horse.