We need your help!
The Equine Rescue League was created and continues to exist thanks to its many volunteers and the generous donations of private individuals. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you! We wouldn't be here without you!
If you are new to ERL, welcome! Check out the options below so you too can help us help them.

The ERL needs volunteers to help with a wide range of projects to keep Promise Kept Farm a safe and attractive haven for horses in need of our services. In addition to helping with the rehabilitation of the horses at the farm, volunteers do everything from helping run our non-profit organization to the daily care and upkeep of the farm.

Donations of any monetary amount or of gently used tack, barn, and farm supplies will help the ERL continue our much needed work at the farm shelter.
All donations are tax-deductible and a donation receipt is available upon request.

Visit Bubba's
Tack Shack!
Bubba's Tack Shack is open for business! We have English and Western tack, barn/farm supplies, and general equestrian gear for sale at great prices.
Your purchases directly benefit horses in need. A percentage of the proceeds will go into a fund designated to help recently rescued animals from slaughter whose owners need financial assistance
Tri-County Feeds ERL Gift Certificate Program
This program allows our friends another way of helping the horses - by keeping the feed room stocked and the horses' bellies full! You can help us help them by donating money directly to the ERL feed account. For more information, contact us, visit Tri-County at their Marshall, VA location, or check out their website.
Shop Online using Amazon Smile
Through Amazon Smile you will be making a direct difference in the lives of the animals we help. Simply select "Equine Rescue League Foundation" as your benefiting charity and a portion of the proceeds from every item you purchase will be donated to the Equine Rescue League. Every penny makes a difference in the lives of these animals.

Subscribe to Equine Wellness!
For every Equine Wellness magazine subscription, the ERL can receive a 25% donation by using this code: ERLF. Order your magazine today and support the horses at the shelter by subscribing today.